Settlement Landing Page
NAR Settlement Info
The latest information from NOMAR on the NAR litigation and settlement.Frequently asked questions
Changes mandated by the terms of the NAR settlement were implemented for ROAM MLS Participants and NOMAR members on August 15th. Click here to download the FAQ.
NEW! Agency and Non-Agency Relationships
Help consumers achieve a clear understanding of the relationship options that may be available to them under state law. This one-page resource explains everything from dual agency to transaction brokerage.
NEW! Steps Between Signing and Closing on a Home
Covers helpful information about escrow, appraisals, inspections and other items to check off the list as buyers work toward finalizing their transaction and officially purchasing a home.
Written Buyer Agreements
This document from NAR can assist you in explaining why your clients will need to sign a buyer representation agreement prior to touring a home.

How to Talk to Consumers About the Settlement
These fact sheets outline what buyers and sellers should expect after Aug. 15 and the value agents who are REALTORS® provide to consumers in these transactions.
MORE resources
Window to the Law: Settlement Facts
Check out this video series which examines various aspects of the settlement agreement and provides answers to commonly asked questions.
Written Buyer Agreements 101
These agreements benefit consumers because they clearly and transparently outline the services an MLS Participant will provide and how they will be compensated.
Summary of MLS Policy Changes
MLS policies and model MLS governing documents have been reviewed and updated. Download details of all the changes.
Updated May 16, 2024.
Statewide Sample Forms Library
This page from Louisiana REALTORS® contains sample Buyer Representation Agreements and outlines suggested guidelines for use.
Louisiana REALTORS® Legal Updates Hub
Even more resources from Louisiana REALTORS® regarding the NAR litigation and settlement.
The materials here are intended for reference by members, staff, and anyone supporting the National Association of REALTORS®. They will help provide background on current events related to the association and give you the tools to talk about them.
Settlement FAQs
Answers about NAR’s settlement, including key terms, who is covered, practice changes, and NAR operations, in English and Spanish.
Settlement Overview
Includes key terms, settlement provisions, and next steps in the settlement process.
Some consumers may have questions about how the practice changes will impact their experience buying or selling a home. Low-income home buyers, military veterans, and other underserved groups may need specific guidance to understand how compensation will work in their transactions. Do you know how to support your clients and keep them on the path toward homeownership? Host Marki Lemons Ryhal convenes a roundtable with three real estate pros who serve these markets.
Amidst a tumultuous period in the real estate industry, NAR’s massive advocacy machine has never stopped working for you. Over the last year, REALTORS® secured a reduction in FHA mortgage insurance premiums, got the FHFA to rescind proposed hikes on upfront mortgage fees and protected real estate pros’ status as independent contractors. Host Marki Lemons Ryhal talks with two members steeped in advocacy about the true value of being a REALTOR®.
Adapting to change can cause stress and anxiety, but real estate pros who understand and embrace the industry changes that are coming under NAR’s proposed settlement agreement will be in a better position for success. It starts with building your own confidence in your skills and expertise as an agent. What’s the best way to do that? Host Marki Lemons Ryhal talks with two pros who have been through changes and learned how to help themselves adapt and succeed.
With practice changes on the horizon, sellers need to understand their options and the benefits of cooperating with other brokerages, including the potential of offering cooperative compensation and the impact that may have on the home selling and buying experience. As home buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals adjust to these changes, it is important for members to have clear and transparent conversations with consumers. Host Marki Lemons Ryhal and two real estate pros discuss how and why it is important to emphasize the seller conversation following NAR’s proposed settlement agreement.