Freedom from the artificial borders of previous MLS’s. Freedom from multiple MLS memberships, bills, data feeds, rules. Freedom to choose software that suits your business needs. Freedom for your listings to gain exposure across a broader marketplace.
ROAM MLS, LLC (ROAM) is a statewide Multiple Listing Service (MLS) formed through the collective efforts of four Louisiana REALTOR® Associations. In its first two years of operation, ROAM has expanded its membership to 5 Louisiana Associations and proudly services over 12,000 REALTOR® participants and subscribers across Louisiana.
Our mission is to make the market work where ever you or your consumers are. ROAM delivers consolidated MLS services to brokers' or agents' established business practices or routines. ROAM provides its users access to data across regions of Louisiana along with a suite of supportive tools product options. It operates under consolidated governance, a single set of MLS Rules, and provides live, local Louisiana-based support and training for its users. ROAM independently monitors compliance to ensure data integrity, which allows its users to provide their clients and customers
with unparalleled service and information about the marketplace.
Supported by over 100 years of combined staff experience, ROAM is much more than software - ROAM is FREEDOM!
Information network
New Orleans Metropolitan Association of REALTORSĀ® (NOMAR)
3645 N I-10 Service Rd W Metairie, LA 70002
(504) 885-3200
[email protected]
Greater Central Louisiana REALTORSĀ® Association (GCLRA)
4200 Jackson Street, Alexandria, LA 71303
(318) 473-8324
[email protected]
Greater Baton Rouge Association of REALTORSĀ® (GBRAR)
14101 Perkins Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70810
(225) 761-2000
[email protected]
Bayou Board of REALTORSĀ®
4651 W Park Ave, Houma, LA 70364
(985) 868-7877
[email protected]
REALTORĀ® Association of Acadiana
234 Rue Beauregard
Lafayette, LA 70508
(337) 233-0086
ROAM Board of Managers
ROAM MLS is governed by a Board of Managers; NOMAR holds four seats on the Board.

Dee Halphen
NOMAR Representative

LaTanya LaBranch
NOMAR Representative

Craig Mirambell
NOMAR Representative

Ginger Wiggins
ROAM Ex Officio