A group of members appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors, which is delegated to consider or act in specific areas, normally for a period of one year.
Task Force
A group of members appointed by the President to perform a specific task and goes out of existence when it has completed its consideration of the subject for which it was established.
To ensure that the right person is recommended for the right job, refer to the following list of New Orleans Metropolitan Association of REALTORS® committee statements of purpose and composition.
Purpose: The Affiliates Committee shall meet to plan events and give input to the Association on behalf of the affiliate members with regard to creating networking opportunities and market capabilities to the REALTOR® membership and present classes and/or “Lunch and Learns” to the general membership.
Composition: Chairman – Marketing and Membership Services Division Director, Vice Chairman, plus Affiliate volunteers who wish to serve drawn from the membership of the Association.
REALTOR® of the Year, Manager of the Year, Affiliate of the Year, Max Derbes Meritorious Service, YPN Rising Star and Philippi St. Pé Lifetime Achievement Awards Committee
Purpose: To review the nominations and select the recipients of the awards for the previous year.
Composition: Prior year’s recipients, current NOMAR President, current President-elect of NOMAR and current President-elect of GSREIN.
All awards recipients must hold primary membership with NOMAR. The Max Derbes Meritorious Service Award may be awarded to a Past President of NOMAR five (5) years after serving as following his/her presidency. The Max Derbes Meritorious Service Award need not be awarded on an annual basis.
Purpose: It shall be the duty of the Budget & Finance Committee to budget the income of the Association on an annual basis. The Budget & Finance Committee shall have charge, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, of the finances of the Association, and shall examine from time to time, with the assistance of an auditor, the accounts of the Association. It shall also have charge of the insuring of the property of the Association. Oversee the establishment and monitoring of Development of Corporate Partners, Employee Benefits, and establish a comprehensive strategic plan for the association.
Composition: Nine (9) members who shall be the Secretary-Treasurer of NOMAR who shall serve as Chairman, the President Elect of NOMAR, the President of NOMAR, Immediate Past President of NOMAR, the President of GSREIN, President of CID (must be a REALTOR® member of NOMAR to serve on the NOMAR Budget and Finance Committee) and three (3) other REALTOR® members of the Association appointed by the President(s) and shall serve staggered terms of three (3) years each.
Purpose: It shall be the duty of the Bylaws & Policy Committee to review and revise the governing policies as necessary to ensure that the policies are consistent, clear and comprehensive as they relate to the governance of the Association. The Bylaws & Policy Committee, as directed by the Board of Directors, will review, and make revision recommendations of the NOMAR Bylaws, subject to the adoption and approval of the NOMAR Board of Directors.
Composition: Committee members shall be appointed annually for the following board year by the President-Elect. The Committee shall be comprised of at least five (5) current GSREIN, NOMAR, and CID Directors and shall be Chaired by the Immediate Past President of NOMAR with the incoming NOMAR President-Elect to serve as Vice Chair. Three (3) year term, in the event a Directors term expires prior to the term end another director replacement shall fill term as appointed by the President.
Purpose: The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (“DEI”) Committee shall create, Implement and optimize programs that support the success of and create a working environment for all underrepresented groups.
Composition: Chairman and Vice Chairman, plus REALTOR and Affiliate volunteers who wish to serve, drawn from membership of the Association. Meetings called as needed.
Purpose. To oversee planning of all Association hosted and/or funded events to ensure there are budget resources for the event and no conflicts with other committees wishing to hold events.
Composition. The Events Committee shall be comprised of no more than eight (8) NOMAR members, which shall include the NOMAR President, the Secretary/Treasurer and the Affiliates Committee Chairman and five (5) other NOMAR members. The Secretary/Treasurer shall serve as the Chairperson.
Purpose: The Executive Committee shall act as supervisory body between business meetings of the Board of Directors, subject to authority of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee shall be authorized to review, with the Chief Executive Officer, any submit recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding any Association business.
Composition: Consists of the three Officers, immediate Past President and three (3) additional Directors appointed by the President, and the Chief Executive Officer as a non-voting member.
Purpose: The Facilities Committee will help shape the physical character of the Association by ensuring that all the properties, furnishings and equipment are functional, attractive, and well maintained.
Composition: Executive Committee.
Purpose: To review all Standard Forms annually. New/Revised forms must be reviewed and accepted by legal counsel and approved by the Board of Directors.
Composition: Chairman and Vice Chairman, plus volunteers who wish to serve, drawn from the membership of the Association.
Purpose: To receive Ethics Complaints and Requests for Arbitration and to determine if, taken as true on their face, a Hearing is warranted.
Composition: Chairman and Vice Chairman, plus volunteers who wish to serve who are REALTOR® members of the Association who are known to have high ethical standards and are above reproach. Must attend a training session regarding Professional Standards Procedures annually in order to serve.
Committee Term: 3 years
Purpose: To provide members with a viable option to arbitration. Mediation can be a useful tool in resolving conflicts that arise involving members and their customers or clients and promoting amicable resolutions.
Composition: Chairman, Vice Chairman and volunteers who are REALTOR® members of the Association trained in the Mediation process who attend annual training as required by the Association. Members must have previous experience on the Grievance and Professional Standards Committee.
Purpose: Shall function as the MLS Advisory Committee to provide input to ROAM BOM – NOLA and has authority to establish task forces to host forums, vet products, and any other topic related to MLS operations.
Composition: GSREIN Board of Directors
New Orleans Metropolitan Political Action Team
Purpose: To fundraise for and increase member participation in LARPAC. To interview and determine endorsements of any local candidates for elected office within the 7 south shore Parishes of NOMAR’s jurisdiction and, if desired, to partner with the PAT of NABOR to determine endorsements in the 3 Northshore Parishes.
Composition: Chairman and Vice Chairman plus a cross section of REALTORS® who are politically astute and have been appointed or elected as committee members.
Purpose: To receive and resolve disputes through constructive communication and advocating for consensus and understanding which may ultimately avert an Ethics complaint.
Composition: Chairman, Vice Chairman and volunteers who are REALTORS® or staff members thoroughly familiar with the Code of Ethics, state real estate regulations, and current real estate practice.
Committee Term: 3 years
Purpose: To foster interest, participation and advice from former leaders of the NOMAR Entities.
Composition: Chairman (Immediate Past President of NOMAR), together with former presidents of NOMAR, CID and GSREIN.
Purpose: To develop and implement Continuing Education programs of the highest quality for the membership in the most effective manner.
Composition: Chairman and Vice Chairman, plus REALTOR® volunteers who wish to serve, drawn from the membership of the Association.
Purpose: To provide a forum for the Hearing of all complaints and Requests for Arbitration in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual.
Composition: Chairman, Vice Chairman and volunteers who are REALTOR® members of the Association who are known to have high ethical standards and are above reproach. Committee members are to be representative of a broad cross-section of the Membership. Members must attend the annual training required by the Association in order to serve. Members must have three years of experience on the Grievance Committee prior to serving on the Professional Standards Committee.
Committee Term: 3 years
Purpose: The Vetting Committee shall be responsible for reviewing, identifying and evaluating all Board of Directors candidates, ROAM Board of Managers, ROAM Operations Committee and reviewing and recommending all LR and NAR appointments and filling all JEDCO or other reciprocal service appointments.
Composition: The President, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint a Vetting Committee, which shall be comprised of at least five (5), but no more than seven (7) members. At a minimum, the Vetting Committee shall include one (1) Past President, the President-Elect, one (1) member of the Professional Standards Committee and at least (2) at-large members of the Board of Directors. The Past President representative shall serve as the Chairperson of the Committee. No candidate for election or reelection shall be eligible to serve on the Vetting Committee.
Purpose: To foster interest, participation and pursuit of leadership positions in NOMAR, GSREIN and CID by members of the Association who are young and young at heart and like to stay up to date on latest technology and trends in the real estate world by creating networking and education opportunities geared toward this group.
Composition: Chairman and Vice Chairman, plus REALTOR® and Affiliate members targeted to an age group of 40 years or younger drawn from the membership of the Association. Members of an age group of 40 years or older are encouraged to participate as mentors.
2025 Committee leadership

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