If Real Estate is your profession, then politics is your business.
The Louisiana REALTORS® Political Action Committee (LARPAC) serves as our memberships' voice in the political arena. LARPAC is an autonomous, voluntary, non-profit, unincorporated team of local, state and national REALTORS®. LARPAC is not affiliated with any political party, and is not a branch or subsidiary of any national or other political committee, but abides by the National Association of REALTORS® cooperative agreement.
Locally, the New Orleans Metropolitan Political Action Team (NOMPAT) serves as NOMAR's local team of LARPAC members. NOMPAT is comprised of elected and appointed REALTORS® from diverse companies, geographical areas, and political spectrums, who all serve as the voice in politics for our membership.
Through LARPAC contributions, NOMAR members fund the efforts to support candidates and issues that help protect the real estate industry. These contributions help us effectively communicate and influence lawmaking activities at the local, state, and federal levels.
Most recently, your LARPAC contributions have been used to:
- Obtain funding for the Louisiana Fortify Homes Program
- Pass legislation protecting the right of property owners to hire public adjusters
- Pass legislation to require insurance companies to offer endorsements and discounts for certain home improvements
- Defeat an attempt to place burdensome requirements on property managers and owners relating to renting to applicants with criminal backgrounds
- Defeat an attempt to require residential rental property owners and managers to notify tenants of neighborhood crime
Investing in LARPAC helps protect the future of real estate.
About the REALTOR® Party
The REALTORĀ® Party is a powerful alliance of REALTORSĀ® and REALTORĀ® Associations working to protect and promote homeownership and property investment. The REALTORĀ® Party speaks with one voice to advance candidates and public policies that build strong communities and promote a vibrant business environment.
Now more than ever, it is critical for REALTORSĀ® across America to come together and speak with one voice about the stability a sound and dynamic real estate market brings to our communities. From City Hall to the State Capitol to the U.S. Capitol, our elected officials are making decisions that have a huge impact on the bottom line of REALTORSĀ® and their customers. Through the support of REALTORSĀ® like you, the REALTORĀ® Party represents your interests.
As a member of the REALTOR® Party, you...
VOTE for REALTOR® Party Candidates.
ACT on REALTORĀ® Party Issues.
NOMPAT Team Members and NOMAR Staff work extremely hard every year to organize quality LARPAC fundraisers, so that we can continue strengthen position as an organization that promotes and protects real estate interests.
NOMARās largest annual LARPAC fundraiser happens at REALTORĀ® Appreciation Day.Ā Other fundraisers, such as small raffles or football boards, occur as needed.
Dates and times of all fundraisers are determined by the NOMPAT Team Members at the beginning of each year. All NOMAR members will be notified accordingly.
We encourage you to take part in our exciting fundraisers while investing in your industry!
2025 NOMPAT Team Members
Chair: Ashley Merritt
Ex Officio: Regina Allemand
Donna Chandler (NOMAR President-Elect)
Beth Cristina (CID Representative)
Rayelynn Fagot (Hall of Fame Representative)
Lesha Freeland (LARPAC Officer and Government Affairs Chair)
Michael Freeland
Nick Galiano
Amanda Hanemann (LARPAC Region IV Trustee for 2025)
Blanca Johnson
Marbury Little (2025 NOMAR LARPAC Trustee)
Ron Mazier
Lynda Nugent Smith
Debbie Prejeant
Jiarra Rayford
Claudette Reuther
Andrea Tyler
Marie Wade
Phoebe Whealdon
Ginger Wiggins (NOMAR President)
The New Orleans Metropolitan Political Action Team is a local instantiation of LARPAC (Louisiana REALTORS® Political Action Committee) and is made up of NOMAR members from diverse backgrounds, geographical areas, and real estate companies. All Team Members serve on NOMPAT as volunteers and commit their time to attend meetings, fundraisers, and events on behalf of NOMAR and LARPAC. Team Members also commit to a Capital Club contribution of $125.00 or more every year that they serve. Appointed Team Members serve a term of one year and Elected Team Members serve a term of three years.
Elections are held annually in December. If you have an interest in how politics impacts real estate and would like to serve on NOMPAT, contact Suzanne Whitaker for further details at (504) 885-3200.