Sign Ordinances
Lorem Ipsum Doler
Lorem Ipsum Doler
Allowed on public property 48 hours before an open house and removed upon completion of the open hours. For more information: Department of Safety and Permits, City Hall, (504) 658-7100
Jefferson Parish (including Terrytown): No more than 8 sq. ft on premises, one sign for each street frontage. No signs on public right-of-way.For more information: Code Enforcement, Jefferson Parish Government Building, Eastbank (504) 736-6961; Westbank (504) 364-3505
City of Gretna: Limited to 32 square feet in area and which advertise the sale, rental or lease of the premises upon which such signs are located.For more information: Code Enforcement, Jefferson Parish Government Building, Eastbank (504) 736-6961; Westbank (504) 364-3505
City of Harahan: not exceeding four (4) square feet in area and not more than one sign permitted.For more information: Code Enforcement, Jefferson Parish Government Building, Eastbank (504) 736-6961; Westbank (504) 364-3505
City of Westwego: not more than eight (8) square feet in area advertising real estate for sale or lease or announcing contemplated improvements or real estate, and located on the premises, one such sign for each street frontage.For more information: Code Enforcement, Jefferson Parish Government Building, Eastbank (504) 736-6961; Westbank (504) 364-3505
City of Kenner: not more than eight (8) square feet in area advertising real estate for sale or lease; One (1) sign for each street frontage. For more information: Code Enforcement, Jefferson Parish Government Building, Eastbank (504) 736-6961; Westbank (504) 364-3505
In residential areas, signs must be nonilluminated, and limited to five (5) square feet per side, for a total of ten (10) square feet. In all other districts, signs must be limited to thirty-two (32) square feet per sign face, with an aggregate square footage of not more than sixty-four (64) feet. All real estate signs must be removed within thirty (30) days of property being sold, rented or leased.
For more information: Department of Community Development, St. Bernard Parish Government Complex, (504) 278-4310
No restrictions at this time. For more information: Permits, Planning & Zoning, Plaquemines Parish Government, (504) 934-6214
St. Tammany Parish Temporary Real Estate Signs - Temporary real estate signs are allowed pursuant to the following:
1. Number and Size - Signs shall be limited to the owner of or to one real estate sign per listing broker on any premises offered for sale, rent or lease. Such sign shall be non-illuminated. A double-faced real estate sign is allowed, provided that such sign shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area per sign face and an aggregate sign face area of thirty-two (32) square feet for single family residences and multiple family residences, or thirty-two (32) square fee in area per sign face and an aggregate sign face area of sixty-four (64) square feet in area for commercial and institutional properties. If freestanding, any such sign, whether single or double-faced, shall not exceed seven (7) feet in height. Property with two (2) or more premises Street frontages shall be allowed to display one additional sign conforming with all of the requirements of this subsection on a second frontage.
2. Condominiums - For purposes of the regulation under this code of real estate signs only, each separately designated unit of a condominium development created by virtue of written instruments duly recorded in the office of the St. Tammany Parish Clerk of Court shall be considered a separate premise and real estate signs relating to any such unit shall be regulated depending upon the use of the unit in question, in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Sign Code.
3. Construction, Placement - Temporary real estate signs may be attached to stakes or rods which are placed in the ground, they may be constructed of plywood or they may be constructed and placed in any other way that meets the requirements of this Section 7.02.Political, Real Estate, or Similar Type Signs: Political, real estate, or similar type signs shall not be located within the public right-of-way. For more information: Department of Development/Planning, (985) 898-2700
City of Covington: Political, real estate, or similar type signs shall not be located within the public right-of-way. For more information: Planning and Zoning, (985) 867-1214
City of Mandeville: Temporary real estate signs; additional requirements for erection or display of temporary real estate signs without necessity of a permit.
Any real estate sign erected or displayed without necessity of a permit pursuant to the provisions of subsection 10.5.1(11) of this sign code shall conform to the following regulations and requires:
1. In all residential zoning districts, real estate signs shall be limited to:
- a. One (1) nonilluminated real estate sign, not exceeding six (6) square feet in sign face area and six (6) square feet in total area and, if freestanding, not exceeding five (5) feet in height. Premises with two (2) or more frontages shall be allowed one (1) additional sign conforming with all of the requirements of this subsection; and
- b. Not more than two (2) additional real estate signs, each not exceeding one (1) square foot in sign face area and two (2) square feet in total sign face area; provided, however, that these additional signs may only convey information regarding the features of the property or home offered for lease or sale, state that the property or home is sold, announce that the house or property is open for inspection, or identify the agent listing the property or house.
2. In all other zoning districts, any such signs shall be limited to one (1) real estate sign per listing broker on any premises offered for sale, rent or lease. Such sign shall be non-illuminated and shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in the sign area. A double-faced real estate sign is permitted, provided that such sign shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area per sign and an aggregate sign face area of thirty-two (32) square feet. If freestanding, any such sign, whether single or double-faced, shall not exceed seven (7) feet in height. Property with two (2) or more premises street frontages shall be allowed to display one (1) additional sign conforming with all the requirements of this subsection on a second frontage.
3. Construction, Placement - Temporary real estate signs may be attached to stakes or rods which are placed in the ground, they may be constructed of plywood or they may be constructed and placed in any other way that meets the requirements of this Section 7.02.Political, Real Estate, or Similar Type Signs: Political, real estate, or similar type signs shall not be located within the public right-of-way. For more information: Department of Development/Planning, (985) 898-2700
For specific information regarding 'for lease' signs in non-residential and combined-use zoning districts, please see this letter from the City of Mandeville.
City of Slidell:
A. Residential zones (all A zones). Once such sign shall be permitted not to exceed six square feet per face. On a corner lot, two signs may be displayed on the day of an open house. Such signs in residential zones shall be located on the property for sale, rent or lease. Such signs shall be removed within 30 days after the act of sale.
B. Commercial zones (all C zones) and industrial zones (all I zones). Such signs shall conform with the standards in section 520.02C. One sign shall be permitted for each side of a lot or parcel fronting a public street. For more information: Planning and Zoning Department, (985) 646-4320
Real estate signs. Signs offering real estate for sale, rent or lease provided that combined display surface area of all such signs does not exceed four square feet for every 100 feet of street frontage and that total display surface area shall not be less than six square feet on any individual lot and not more than five feet in height. For more information: Planning Department, (985) 748-3211
City of Hammond
Temporary signs of no more than ten (10) square feet in area relating to the sale or lease of property, garage, yard sales, elections, or construction, and located on the property affected (not on public right-of-way). For more information: Planning Department, (985) 277-5640
Signs advertising the sale, lease, rental, construction or improvement of land or premises, not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area, except in all residential districts where the area of the sign shall not be more than twelve (12) square feet. In addition, such sign shall be confined to the premises being advertised. For more information: Planning and Zoning Department, (985) 783-5060
No restrictions at this time. For more information: Planning and Permitting Department, (225) 562-2264
No restrictions at this time. For more information: Code Enforcement Department, (985) 359-1185

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